Interested in advertising your church, business, or organization at our upcoming MUSIC FROM THE ROCK event, March 23, 2024?

Sponsorship Ads will be in the form of LED still image ads which will be shown throughout the event on large LED screens in the main auditorium. Your Ad along with clips from the Upon This Rock Passion Play will keep our patrons eyes on the screens throughout the event.

You have the option of purchasing an Ad that will be projected one or two times each half-hour throughout the event.

Ad projected 2x each half hour (1pm-4:30pm) $300

Ad projected 1x each half hour (1pm-4:30pm) $150

Click the button to make your selection. Then you will:

  1. Pay for your Ad @ www.utrpro.com/store

  2. Email your Ad artwork (300 dpi or greater) to pastorhill@thestreams.org